Okay, so as all of you know I LOVE pictures. I love to take them..I love to see them, I love to scrapbook them. I also love companies that continually make me want to be a return customer. That, my friends, is shutterfly. I have had the opportunity of creating several gifts for good friends via their website (http://www.shutterfly.com/calendars) and I was beyond pleased with the quality I received. I am excited to be creating my newest project through them...CHRISTMAS CARDS!!! They have some of the most adorable designs...it is really hard to chose "just one", so I need all of you to chose other designs and use them on your cards..a win win for me because then I get to see the cutest designs showcases the families and friends I love!!! Here is their link:
Christmas cards are always a labor of love for me. I dwell on the tiniest detail, the color palet, the design and layout. My favorites in years past have shown a flair for who our family is..unique and fun. I have been browsing the card aisles to incorporate our newest family scenario: being an ARMY family. I have found the simplicity is key, and shutterfly has helped me find a design that I know I will be excited to send on to all of you!They also have holiday cards to incorporate a New Years wish as well: http://www.shutterfly.com/cards-stationary .
PLUS...the greatest promotion: "Bloggers get 50 free Christmas Cards!!!!" sign up now..http://bit.ly/sfly2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Playing catch up
Yes, it has been months...
Yes, a lot has happened...
Yes, I REALLY have neglected my blog.
Okay, with that out of the way. LOL. We aren't going to bore you to tears with the last months of life here at Ft. Lee. In a nutshell...we LOVE it here. I will update with lots of pics so you can see the changes in my little ones...and there are LOTS. Here is a TOP 10 of our favorite things that have happened to our family since moving to Ft. Lee, Virginia in June.
1o. We were able to move into a BRAND NEW home on post. (literally the keys were handed over from the contractor to the housing office the day we got the call to come get them!)
9. Virginia is BEAUTIFUL. We have enjoyed the amazing trees and colors that this part of the country has to offer.
8. Virginia Beach!!! We were able to put our toes in the water ...the ATLANTIC OCEAN water that is!!!!
7. Washington D.C. It has been a dream for Allan and I to one day take our kids to see our nations capital. On our trip there this summer we did that and LOTS more. My favorite highlight..the Vietnam Wall. Very Surreal and mind boggling seeing all the names.
6. Friends!! We have made some amazing friends since coming here. Caitlyn has a group of fellow Army Brats here on post that she goes to school with, Calleya has many BFF's and Colby has a BFF across the street. Allan and I are grateful for the "Army AND LDS" families we have grown to love here...really has been wonderful having so manythings in common.
5. Colby learned to ride a bike without training wheels!
4. Calleya started PRE SCHOOL on post!
2. Colby and Calleya played soccer and Caitlyn is in "Beauty and the Beast" at school.
1. WE ARE TOGETHER AS A FAMILY, and after all is said and done..THAT is the most important thing of all!
Yes, a lot has happened...
Yes, I REALLY have neglected my blog.
Okay, with that out of the way. LOL. We aren't going to bore you to tears with the last months of life here at Ft. Lee. In a nutshell...we LOVE it here. I will update with lots of pics so you can see the changes in my little ones...and there are LOTS. Here is a TOP 10 of our favorite things that have happened to our family since moving to Ft. Lee, Virginia in June.
1o. We were able to move into a BRAND NEW home on post. (literally the keys were handed over from the contractor to the housing office the day we got the call to come get them!)
9. Virginia is BEAUTIFUL. We have enjoyed the amazing trees and colors that this part of the country has to offer.
8. Virginia Beach!!! We were able to put our toes in the water ...the ATLANTIC OCEAN water that is!!!!
7. Washington D.C. It has been a dream for Allan and I to one day take our kids to see our nations capital. On our trip there this summer we did that and LOTS more. My favorite highlight..the Vietnam Wall. Very Surreal and mind boggling seeing all the names.
6. Friends!! We have made some amazing friends since coming here. Caitlyn has a group of fellow Army Brats here on post that she goes to school with, Calleya has many BFF's and Colby has a BFF across the street. Allan and I are grateful for the "Army AND LDS" families we have grown to love here...really has been wonderful having so manythings in common.
5. Colby learned to ride a bike without training wheels!
4. Calleya started PRE SCHOOL on post!
2. Colby and Calleya played soccer and Caitlyn is in "Beauty and the Beast" at school.
1. WE ARE TOGETHER AS A FAMILY, and after all is said and done..THAT is the most important thing of all!
Monday, March 29, 2010

Officer Candidate Hartung. Hmmm..has a nice ring to it. Allan started Officer Candidate School on March 1st. He is now in week 5, and going a mile a minute. He loves it! I love the fact that I get calls (if at times VERY brief), text messages, and webcam IM time almost daily. His days are full, and very fast paced. Between the classes (running to and from), chow (literally 5 minutes to eat as much as you can), Ruck Marches (he just completed a 7 mile one last week), 0500 PT (release runs..a 5 mile coming up this week), combatives, and the weekend service projects...he has been a bit busy, to say the least. I am so very proud of my soldier and the hard work he is putting in for his career and our family!
Monday, February 8, 2010
A new "Do"
Calleya is our "active one. She is a whirlwind and never stops going. She went to a birthday party with Colby for one of his classmates, Kya. She loves her, and Kya..has short hair! Fast forward a week later. I walk into my room to find a pile of hair, Colby's scissors he uses to do his kindergarten homework, and my little 3 year old with a HUGE grin on her face. She had given herself a haircut (complete with bangs). Why? She wanted to have short hair...just like Kya. AHHH! Here are the before and after (thanks Great Clips!) pics of her new "do"!!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Full Battle Rattle
Allan's latest picture sent from Ft. Sill. He is in his full "Battle Rattle". And of course it would not be complete without the M-16 in his hands!!(SHE is named Jessica) He has four weeks left as of today!
I cannot believe that in just a few short weeks I will be boarding a plane to go see him graduate, what an amazing feeling that is! After he is off to OCS (Officer Candidate School) a 12-week program that will be in Ft. Benning, Georgia. We will all make the trek out for that graduation..as he will have a commisioning ceremony as well. The time is moving, somedays it goes at a snails pace..and I have to remember that it isn't forever. It is that fact that keeps me going. We will make it through and endure to the end... :0)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Off to Basic Combat Training: Red Phase

The week of reception is officially over. Allan crosses the tracks tomarrow and heads over to Basic Combat Training, or BCT. What does this mean? No more daily phone calls, and a drill Sergeant in his face 24/7. I talked to him tonight, and he was getting everything ready to go. He says he just wants to start..the waiting was driving him insane (reception lasts a week). I am happy we are finally on to Red phase (the 9 weeks are seperated by 3-3week phases, red, white and blue.) but I know this is the hardest of the phases..and where they break you down. Praying for my sweet husband that he stays strong and knows we lovehim. Letters of support would be great, I will have his address soon and will get it to whoever would like to write!!
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