Dash? Nope it's COLBY!!
Meeting the Incredibles was Priceless for Calleya!
The crew: Zach Craner, Colby, Calleya, Daniel Craner, CaitlynI discovered a site called MomCentral a few months back. Little
did I know that this was just the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
We had heard that Disney On Ice was coming to Phoenix, and REALLY
wanted to go. Well, a call came from MomCentral asking me if I would like
to be a part of their abassador program to spread the word about the event,
in exchange my family would get tickets to opening night, a meet and greet
before hand with characters, and dinner. Um...HECK YES.
We arrived at the USAirways Center on Thursday ready to go.
The kids didn't know until we got there,and were sooo excited!
We had a fun dinner of hot dogs and chips inthe Toyota Lounge, and a
special visit from The Incredibles. Calleya has PJ's from them that
she calls her "super hero jammies". She squealed when she
saw them."Mom.it's the super heroes!!" She actually was the 2nd kiddo in line to
see them and she ran up and gave them HUGE hugs!!
After the meet and greet, we got ready to leave. We had been talking to the
promotions person in charge, and she gave ALL of the kiddos a giftbag
full of goodies(supposed to be ONE PER FAMILY).It was full of things from
the show, and the kids were thrilled (and so was my wallet). The show was amazing,
and we had a great time. The best part: the next morning Colby said, after learning
another show was that morning "Okay, let's get Daniel Mom, we GOTTA GO!!!"